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Valentine Craft: Easy Love Monster Mini Valentine Greeting Card + Links To FREE Resources

Make your own easy, cute and special "love monster" greeting card with the kids. In this activity we will transform and customized some printable small "monster theme" valentine cards that is use to hand out small valentine treats to friends or classmates into a mini valentine greeting card with fun zig zag, wavy or scallop borders all around them.  I wanted to try a different way of creating greeting cards from the usual format that is normally done and thought we'd use these cards. Get creative by gluing or drawing additional hearts and details on the card or monsters. Store card in an envelope made using any plain valentine colored paper or valentine pattern paper. GET CREATIVE WITH A MINI VALENTINE GREETING CARD + LINKS TO FREE PRINTABLES! Lauren made some "mini valentine greeting card" as part of our "monster theme" valentine activity and she gave the cards to me and her grandparents on Valentine's day. Grandma and Grandpa were happy...

Paper Sea Shells

9-29-2016 -- In this post, I will be sharing a "sea shell" craft idea and how I did and taught it to my child. This was a craft project that Lauren did in Brightly Beaming Resources' (Step 3: Sound of the Week) homeschool curriculum for the "sh" sound as in "shell". This is the most fun part of the curriculum, making the art projects. In this step, I have come up with own ideas and structures for most of Lauren's art & craft projects or activities. Lauren will make a sea "shell" craft, I thought about ways on how to create our sea shell and come up with this colorful paper sea shell craft by using crayons on the details or edges then painting the insides with watercolors.

This craft involves painting and drawing. Every kid is different so when choosing to do or follow a craft, it is best to adapt the project to your kid's situation or abilities also making sure that it helps them learn and that the process is done best that benefits them.

================================================================= MATERIALS FOR THIS CRAFT:

* sea shells template 
* construction, specialty board or any board paper material
* water color 
* paint brush 
* crayons


First, prepare and get all the materials ready so everything is organized and ready to be used when it's time to do the whole craft or project. When preparing the materials, it is best to involve the kids, show them how the things are done if they cannot do it themselves. 


* cut sea shell patterns


* Sea Shells: Search or google "sea shell" templates. C
hoose any sea shell design you want. Cut the printed sea shell templates and use the patterns to trace on board papers. Let child cut patterns. 

================================================================= DONE BY CHILD:

* cut sea shell patterns

* draw designs on sea shells

* paint & color sea shells

Once, all the materials are ready and prepared, it's now time to work on completing the "paper sea shells" project.


1. Let child draw details on sea shell template then trace drawing as well as edges of the whole sea shell with any crayon of their choice.

2. Next, let child paint the shells with any watercolor of their choice. 

3. When watercolors are dry, let child re-trace the edges and drawings with crayons to make it darker and stand out. 

4. And there you go, the "paper sea shells" craft are DONE. Below are Lauren's version of doing the paper shells. They came out fun and colorful to look at


A nice sea shell music video that you can sing or show to your kids is this "SeaShell Song" by (little fox).

If you got any reactions and thoughts regarding this craft or topic, feel free to interact and write it down in the comment box below. I'd be happy to hear from you. Thank you so much for viewing and reading.
