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Monster Craft | Valentine Craft: Easy Love Monster Mini Valentine Greeting Card + Links To FREE Resources

Make your own easy, cute and special "love monster" greeting card with the kids. In this activity we will transform and customized some printable small "monster theme" valentine cards that is use to hand out small valentine treats to friends or classmates into a mini valentine greeting card with fun zig zag, wavy or scallop borders all around them.  I wanted to try a different way of creating greeting cards from the usual format that is normally done and thought we'd use these cards. Get creative by gluing or drawing additional hearts and details on the card or monsters. Store card in an envelope made using any plain valentine colored paper or valentine pattern paper. GET CREATIVE WITH A MINI VALENTINE GREETING CARD + LINKS TO FREE PRINTABLES! Lauren made some "mini valentine greeting card" as part of our "monster theme" valentine activity and she gave the cards to me and her grandparents on Valentine's day. Grandma and Grandpa were happy...

Doll Craft | New Year Craft: New Year Inspired Toilet Tube & Plastic Ball Doll | Home Learning Art & Craft Project Activity

In this post, I will be sharing a "new year" craft. This was a craft project that Lauren did in Brightly Beaming Resources' (Step 3: Sound of the Week) home school curriculum for the "oi" sound as in "toilet". We made this craft 4 days after new year, we have some of these empty toilet paper tubes and some soft plastic balls so I thought about creating a craft out of these materials.

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* soft plastic ball with cut or slice on one side

* cut horn & hat pattern 
* cut clothes pattern 
* cut paper fringe
* 3 pieces 1 inch styrofoam balls cut in half with small cuts made round top.


NOTE: This craft is a collaboration between parent or caregiver and child and is suitable for kids about 7 and above, you may adapt the process to the skill or ability of the child. You may not finish the craft all at once in a day if you can't but you can work on it day by day or in a series of days until you can finish the whole project.

DOLL PARTY HAT & HORN: Take a medium sized round jar lid and trace it on a construction paper in any color of choice. Cut pattern and set aside.

PARTY HAT EMBELLISHMENT TOPPER:  Cut fringes on a small or short strip of crepe or construction paper. Set aside.

DOLL HEAD & HAIR: Make a cut on one side of the soft plastic ball using a utility knife. Make sure the cut is just enough to insert some yarn strands into it. Cut strands of yarns in any color of choice for hair of doll. You can use one color or mix 2 colors of yarns for the hair.

DOLL ARMS: We used plastic drinking straws and inserted steel wires in them to make it bendable as arms for our tube dolls but for convenience you may use pipe cleaners or fuzzy wires.

DOLL HANDSDraw patterns on an orange or flesh colored construction paper. 

DOLL CLOTHES: Take different colors of construction pape
rs in any color of choice, create a mark using pencil where the clothes of your doll will be. Next, take a piece of paper that will be used as the upper and lower clothing of your doll and measure it against the markings made on the tube. Take a ruler and create a rectangle pattern from the measurement. Cut patterns and set aside.

DOLL SHOES & BODY BALANCE: Take 3 pieces of 1 inch styrofoam balls and cut them in half. Next, make a small cut in the top middle of foam ball to be able to insert the tip of tube body in it later.

* create and decorate hat & horn.

* draw designs on hat or horn.

* insert yarn hairs into ball head

* glue doll parts | pieces together

* draw details on doll face

* draw designs on clothe patterns

* insert arms into side of tube body


STEP #1: Let child draw some designs of their choice on the party hat and horn patterns with a coloring marker. Afterwards, let child color the drawn designs with crayons

STEP #2: Next, let child add a little embellishment topper on the mini party hat by taping the small fringe paper prepared earlier on the middle part of the round party hat pattern using scotch tape. Afterwards, let child roll the pattern into a cone shape and glue the ends with liquid glue to form the hat. Next, let child roll the other round pattern to create a mini party horn, cut the excess parts at the bottom of hat and horn to make them flat and even. 

STEP #3:  Next, Let child draw some designs of choice on the clothes patterns using coloring markers then color it with crayons. Afterwards, let child glue the papers on the toilet tube. Once the clothings are glued into the tube, make a slice or cut on both sides of the tube using utility knife where the arms will be inserted later.

STEP #4:  Next, take the soft plastic ball and let child glue the googly eyes on it using hot glue. Put hot glue on the spot and guide child to put eyes on it. You may get creative with the eyes and use fun and colored googly eyes.

STEP #5: Next, let child insert a round push pin or colored thumbtack just a little bit below the googly eyes to create the mouth and support for the party horn that will be glued later.

STEP #6:  Next, let child glue the ball head on top of the toilet tube body using hot glue. The kids may need to be supervised on this part.

STEP #7: Next, let child insert the yarn strands into the cut on top of ball head to create hair of doll.

STEP #8:  Next, let child draw some eye brows, lashes and nose on the ball using a black permanent marker.

STEP #9:  Then, put hot glue below the party hat and let child stick it on top of the ball head.

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STEP #10:  Next, put hot glue all around the push pin mouth and let child glue the tip of the party horn onto it.

STEP #11:  Now, it's time to put the arms, let child insert the pipe cleaner or fuzzy wire into the cut that was made on the sides of the toilet tube earlier, position one or both arms towards the party horn like the doll is going to hold it, cut any excess fuzzy wire to make arm(s) just right, then let child glue the paper hands on the tip of the arms using hot glue. 

STEP #12:  Finally, it's time to put on the shoes. Let child insert the tube body through the cut made on top of the 2 small foam balls, let them position the balls at the front from both sides of tube body. Next, let child insert 1 foam ball at the middle back of the tube body through the cut on it to make the doll have some balance when displayed on a flat surface.

And there goes your "toilet tube doll". Below is my version of this toilet tube doll, get the kids creating their own version today!


Shop for materials used in this craft online @ by clicking on the materials highlighted in BOLD below.

* empty toilet paper or paper towel tubes ; soft plastic balls ; 1 inch foam balls ; utility knife ; googly eyes ; yarns ; assorted construction papers ; * scissors ; * ruler ; * coloring markers ; * crayons ; * solid glue stickblack pentel pen marker ; * crepe papers (optional) * scotch tape ; * pipe cleaners or fuzzy wires ; * hot melt glue ; * glue gun ; * round push pins


If you got any reactions and thoughts regarding this craft or topic, feel free to interact and write it down in the comment box below. I'd be happy to hear from you. Thank you so much for viewing and reading.

POST UPDATED: April 2024
