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Monster Craft | Valentine Craft: Easy Love Monster Mini Valentine Greeting Card + Links To FREE Resources

Make your own easy, cute and special "love monster" greeting card with the kids. In this activity we will transform and customized some printable small "monster theme" valentine cards that is use to hand out small valentine treats to friends or classmates into a mini valentine greeting card with fun zig zag, wavy or scallop borders all around them.  I wanted to try a different way of creating greeting cards from the usual format that is normally done and thought we'd use these cards. Get creative by gluing or drawing additional hearts and details on the card or monsters. Store card in an envelope made using any plain valentine colored paper or valentine pattern paper. GET CREATIVE WITH A MINI VALENTINE GREETING CARD + LINKS TO FREE PRINTABLES! Lauren made some "mini valentine greeting card" as part of our "monster theme" valentine activity and she gave the cards to me and her grandparents on Valentine's day. Grandma and Grandpa were happy...

Knight Craft: Paper Cup & Plastic Ball Knight | Home Learning Art & Craft Project Activity

In this post, I will be sharing a "knight" craft. This is a craft project that Lauren did in Brightly Beaming Resources' (Step 3: Sound of the Week) home school curriculum for the "igh" sound as in "knight". I thought about making our knight using these small disposable sauce cups for the knight's body and head gear and soft plastic ball for the head.

Original Version of this Knight Craft

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I have updated the way you can do this knight craft that is easier than how we originally did it. Continue reading below for the updated details on how you can easily create your own version of this "PAPER CUP & PLASTIC BALL KNIGHT" craft.

Updated Version of this Knight Craft


* Cut one 3.5 oz disposable paper sauce cup, for knight's head gear, also prepare extra strips of paper for head gear extension.

* Another 3.5 oz disposable paper sauce cup, for the knight's body with hole made at bottom where the ball head will be glued into.

* Cut arm or sleeve pattern

* Cut sword accessory

* Cut craft sticks for feet 

* Cut round hand pattern

* Cut shield design


NOTE: This craft is a collaboration between parent or caregiver and child and is suitable for kids about 7 and above, you may adapt the process to the skill or ability of the child. You may not finish the project all at once in a day if you can't but you can work on it day by day or in a series of days until you can finish the whole project.

* KNIGHT BODY: Take one 3.5 oz paper sauce cup and make a hole at the bottom using a utility knife, small knife or scissor. The hole is where the ball head will be glued into later. Set aside the spare part of the cut bottom to be used as shield of knight. 

KNIGHT HEAD GEAR: Take another 3.5 oz paper sauce cup, poke a utitlity knife or scissor in the middle part of the cup then cut the rest. Measure the cup on the ball you will be using as head and make adjustments by cutting until the cup fits the soft ball head. Create an extra small strip of rectangular pattern as headgear extension on a paper with the same color as headgear .

KNIGHT EYES: Lauren made paper eyes for her knight but you can use googly eyes if you have it, you may get creative and try different colored googly eyes if you like.

KNIGHT SHIELDUse the spare part of the cut bottom of the paper cup that was cut earlier. 
I have saved some round shield design patterns in PDF that you can print to easily create your shield accessory. Click Here To Check Out Printable Round Shields in various designs. Print in its "actual size" on a sticker paper or if you don't have sticker paper, on a bond paper and you can stick it using dry glue stick.

KNIGHT SLEEVE OR ARMDraw a thin rectangular pattern on a colored heavy weight paper (such as colored vellum board, specialty board or any paper of similar texture).

KNIGHT SWORD: We used craft stick and cut it to resemble a sword. Here are various sword clip arts that I saved as PDF that you can print immediately for your knight, Click Here To Check Out Printable Swords in various designs. Scale at "75" in the printing settings then print on plain heavy weight paper. 

Get Craft & Hobby Supplies Online @

KNIGHT FEET OR SHOES: We used plain craft sticks and Lauren colored it with black marker. You may also use colored craft sticks to skip coloring. Take 2 craft sticks and cut both sticks, just enough to make it as feet of the knight. 

KNIGHT HAND: Draw a small circle on a construction paper and  set aside for later. 

KNIGHT CLOTHING: Draw extra details to glue around knight body such as a belt and cut pattern for later use. 


* Paint or add details on head gear

* Decorate | Add details on knight clothes and shield 

* Glue knight parts and pieces together


STEP #1: (Creating the head gear and body) If you choose to have a plain head gear, let child draw details on the cup using a coloring marker. We used the plastic type white disposable sauce cup, Lauren did the knight with a colored head gear, we wrapped the cup with masking tape so Lauren can paint it. 

You may skip wrapping the cup with masking tape or covering the cup body with paper if you are using a cup with paper or styro material and proceed on painting the cups if your child wishes to have a colored head gear or clothing for their knight. 

STEP #2: (Decorating the clothing) Next, let child create the knight's clothing. As we have used plastic cups for our knight so Lauren glued pieces of her knight's clothing on the cup that was made from patterns of paper. As suggested, you may use paper or styro cups and your child can simply proceed in drawing or gluing the clothing details on the cup body using coloring markers or a piece of paper to create a belt.

Once the knight's clothing is created, make a cut or slice on one side of the cup body using a hand held cutter, small knife or scissor so the child can later insert an arm or sleeve into it. 

STEP #3: (Creating the shield) Next, let child create the shield. Simply glue or stick any round shield design of choice over the spare round cup bottom that was cut earlier from one of the cups. 

STEP 4: (Completing the head) Next, it's time to create the look of the knight. Lauren used paper eyes and draw the details on it using black marker. You may use googly eyes if you have it and just glue the eyes onto the softball head using hot glue. Afterwards, let child put a round push pin or colored thumbtack just below the eyes to create the nose and draw extra eyebrows and mouth using a black permanent marker.

STEP #5: (Assembling the knight) Once the knight's face is created, let child glue the ball head into the hole of the paper cup body and then the feet below it using hot glue. Put hot glue on the spot and guide child to glue the head and feet on it.

STEP #6: (Putting the accessories) Next, Let child insert arms on one side of the paper cup body through the cut that was made on it then glue the sword in front at the tip of the arms using hot glue. Next, let child glue a hand using the small round pattern from the back tip of sword towards the front like holding the sword.

STEP #7: (Attaching the head gear) Next it's time to attach the head gear, let child stick the extra strip of rectangular patterns on the sides of the ball face using liquid glue then put head gear on the ball head. Lastly, glue the shield on the side front of the body opposite the arms with the sword.

And that was it, the "PAPER CUP & PLASTIC BALL KNIGHT" is DONE. Lauren created the red knight and the white knight is my version (as seen in the image below).

Below is an updated sample knight I made using styro cup and printable sword and shield. Get the kids creating with their own version of this knight craft. It can even be used for pretend play afterwards.


Shop for materials used in this craft online @ by clicking on the materials highlighted in BOLD below.

3.5 oz paper sauce cups or styrofoam cup * assorted soft plastic balls * white heavy weight paper & colored heavy weight paper (such as card stock, vellum board, specialty board or any paper of similar texture) * colored craft sticks coloring markers round push pins or colored thumb tacks * googly eyesliquid glue * dry glue stick hot melt glue glue gun utility knife scissors ruler


Watch and listen to "The Knight Song" about what a knight is and what he does in the video below!

The Knight Song - Knight Song for Kids


Below are read aloud stories about "Knight" to watch and listen with your kids. These stories features phonics and character traits such as gentleness, being brave, dealing peacefully with others and just being yourselfClick on the storybook picture to watch the videos @ DAILYMOTION.

Get "The Storybook Knight: The Knight Who Wouldn't Fight" and more children's books @


If you got any reactions and thoughts regarding this craft or topic, feel free to interact and write it down in the comment box below. I'd be happy to hear from you. Thank you so much for viewing and reading.

